Saturday, February 25, 2006


I was on the phone with my mother while I was in D.C. and I found out that I had a new nephew. I was extremely surprised but figured that this was bound to happen one day. I mean my younger brother probably has a few kids spread over NY that we dont know about. But to my surprise my brother Matt didnt impregnate some girl we never met....He got the cutest puppy I ever did see.....Rusty!

Rusty getting some grub

Matt's dog Rusty Dreaming of Chops

Rusty Behind Bars


At 3:55 PM, Blogger Francisco (Melvin) Rosario said...

This is the cutest dog in he history of canine existance!

I want to hug it and squeeze it and love it to pieces!

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rusty is gorgeous as he must be so big now your photos were a delight to see...i grew up in astoria and don't think i would have been able to put something as beautiful together



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